Sunday, July 13, 2008

death in the afternoon

well, i had quite an adventure today. since my mood has been somewhat down due to circumstances beyond my control, i have turned to a moderate amount of liquid spirits to bolster up my, well, spirit.

my roommate and i drove to the st. george distillery in alameda, ca to sample their absinthe. it was a nice sunny day (blahblahblah) perfect for a little misadventure. the distillery is situated in an abandoned naval base, which is pretty cool. you have to navigate through several areas of boarded up barracks in order to reach hangar one- the distillery site.

the absinthe was ok, i guess. i'm still pretty new at absinthe snobbery. it was strong, aromatic and left your tongue on fire. it also left behind a nice, mellow buzz. the feeling of mellow calm persists long after the buzz subsides. (calm is good. i need calm right now.) we wound up buying a bottle of the absinthe and a bottle of their black tea liqueur (which is amazing all on its own).

after leaving the distillery, we had time for a leisurely drive around the residential part of alameda. and we stopped to drive around treasure island on the way across the bay bridge. sadly, treasure island was not nearly as cool as it sounded. it is home to another boarded-up naval base and some apartment housing. still, there were some simply gorgeous views of the san francisco skyline and the bay. too bad we left the camera at the house!

a quick stop at the local asian market, then to home. i'm pretty worn out- and happily fuzzy. i even tried out a new mixed drink, which brings me to the title of this post:

death in the afternoon:

4 oz. champagne
1.5 oz. absinthe

pour absinthe into a champagne glass and add iced champagne until it clouds up, at least 4 oz.
kick back and enjoy!